Two papers at SEAMS 2019
I have one long paper and an artifact paper accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-managing Systems-SEAMS-2019, in Montreal, Canada on May 2019:
1. Ilias Gerostathopoulos, Evangelos Pournaras
TRAPPed in Traffic? A Self-Adaptive Framework for Decentralized Traffic Optimization (Awarded badge: Artifacts Evaluated – Reusable)
2. Mirko D’Angelo, Simos Gerasimou, Sona Ghahremani, Johannes Grohmann, Ingrid Nunes, Evangelos Pournaras, Sven Tomforde
On Learning in Collective Self-adaptive Systems: State of Practice and a 3D Framework
The second paper is a collaboration result of the recent SEfIAS Dagstuhl.
This entry was posted on Monday, March 18th, 2019 at 18:13
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