Tag : digital democracy

I had the honor to give the keynote speech “Proof of Witness Presence: Blockchain Consensus for Augmented Democracy in Smart Cities” at the 8th International Conference of eDemocracy 2019 in Athens, Greece. My keynote speech was based on my recent awarded work and can be downloaded here. In my talk, I elaborate on how well […]

The following two papers are accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications-AINA-2017, in Taiwan on March 2017: 1. Evangelos Pournaras, Jovan Nikolic, Alex Omerzel, Dirk Helbing Engineering Democratization in Internet of Things Data Analytics 2. Danielle Griego, Varin Buff, Eric Hayoz, Izabela Moise, Evangelos Pournaras Sensing and […]

In the context of the Swiss Philosophy Salon Festival at Maloja Palace, in which I hosted a philosophy salon, the periodical The Beautiful Soul, The Public Sphere Salons, publishes my essay: Decentralization in Digital Societies: A Design Paradox Digital societies come with a design paradox: On the one hand, technologies, such as Internet of Things, pervasive and […]

I will host a philosophy salon in Public Sphere at Maloja Palace from 8th t0 10th of April 2016. An outline of the salon discussion follows below. The Design Paradox of Decentralization in Digital Societies Digital societies come with a design paradox: On the one hand, technologies, such as Internet of Things, pervasive and […]

I have recently given an interview at the Athens News Agency, Macedonian Press Agency about digital democracy. The interview in full can be also found here. I outline some of its opportunities and implication in Greek crisis and beyond. The interview is in Greek. More about the topic in English is outlined in the article Build […]