Tag : agents
My paper “Socio-technical Trade-offs in Self-regulating Smart Grids” is one of the 12 papers selected for a plenary talk among 342 accepted papers in the International Conference on Computational Social Science-ICCSS 2015. Several notable keynote speakers are expected to complement to a very constructive interdisciplinary event on computational social science. My paper provides a data-driven evidence and […]
DIAS, the Dynamic Intelligent Aggregation Service is a decentralized mechanism for the computation of different aggregation functions in large-scale networks, e.g. SUMMATION, AVERAGE etc.. It is illustrated in Chapter 5 of my PhD thesis and is recently accepted for publication in the Springer journal of Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling. A short project description of DIAS […]
This is the question I tried to answer at the research organization of TNO. In front of a very stimulating and interactive audience, I presented part of my PhD research and specifically some of my contributions in the EPOS project. I showed some of my findings supporting that decentralized stabilization of the energy consumption with a minimum […]