Resilient Smart Cities

7 years, 1 month ago Comments Off on Resilient Smart Cities
Posted in: Academic, DIAS, EPOS, Honors, SFINA

I give a keynote speech at the 12th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secure Transactions-ICITST-2017 at University of Cambridge in UK. The title and abstract of the talk follow:


Participatory Self-management Systems for Resilient Smart Cities

The pervasiveness of the Internet of Things in Smart Cities has brought paramount opportunities for improving the citizens’ every life: energy and transport systems can be used more efficiently, waste collection and recycling actions can be optimized and the citizen is empowered to participate in online sharing economies for the peer-to-peer exchange of goods, e.g. energy, vehicles, tools, etc. Neverthless, these opportunities come with several challenges that put the resilience of smart cities into risks. Several of these challenges stem from the centralized design of information and communication technologies: the concetration of data collection, storage and processing raises privacy concerns over citizens’ sensitive data, that allow discriminatory and profiling actions, which in turn question the autonomy and freedom of citizens, for instance, behavioral influence of online recommendations and personalized content creation. This talk raises the following question: Can participatory self-management systems orchestrated by the collective intelligence and wisdon of the crowd be used as a tactical utility to protect the citizen from these threats? What are the techno-socio-economic challanges of designing and applying decentralized systems in real-world? This talk sheds light on how open and transparent data sharing, data analytics, optimization and learning can be used by citizens, for citizens, to empower resilient smart cities. Some application scenarios discussed are the following: accurate, real-time and privacy-preserving measurements of urban qualities, load-balancing of bike-sharing stations, energy demand-response systems and self-repairable power grids using smart transformers.


Related projects: DIAS, SFINA, EPOS

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