
These are some of the most important research projects I have been working the last years.

  • EPOS

    Decentralized combinatorial optimization for sustainable and self-managed distributed systems

  • Smart Agora

    Establishing a cyber-physical digital agora for citizens

  • DIAS

    A generic and adaptive aggregation service for large-scale decentralized networks.


    Simulation and prototyping of complex and inter-dependent techno-socio-economic systems


    Distributed and self-determined personalized product rating

  • SoBigData

    Decentralized real-time data analytics and collective learning

  • Nervousnet

    Real-time social mining services as a public good

  • RobuSmart

    Self-management of Robust Smart Grids


    Multi-level self-organization and self-optimization of overlay networks organized in tree topologies.

  • ERGO

    A load-balancing mechanism for unstructured overlay networks based on the idea of rewiring nodes.


    Modeling application-level composition and reconfiguration of Internet-scale control systems.

  • JautOGL

    The design and development of a 3-D multiplayer game engine based on a novel combination of Java technologies.