Invited Talks, General Public Talks & Tutorials
- Self-adaptive Learning in Decentralized Combinatorial Optimization, GI Dagstuhl Seminar on Software Engineering for Intelligent and Autonomous Systems-SEfIAS, Dagstuhl, Germany (20/08/2018)
- Participatory Self-management Systems for Resilient Smart Cities, The 12th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secure Transactions-ICITST-2017, University of Cambridge, UK (11/12/2017)
- Making sharing economies more sustainable, Scientifica, Zurich, Switzerland (02/09/2017)
- Participatory Sharing Economies via Decentralized Internet of Things, Re-inventing Society in the Digital Age Workshop, Vienna, Austria (09/05/2017)
- Participatory Sharing Economies via Decentralized Mobile and Cloud Computing Systems, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany (23/03/2017)
- Self-regulatory Information Sharing in Participatory Social Sensing, The 5th eLife Dual Congress, Lake Plastiras, Greece (24/06/2016)
- Smart Grids for a Smarter Greece-Energy self-management via decentralized Internet of Things systems, Internet of Things Conference, Athens, Greece, (17/12/2015)
- Build Digital Democracy-By citizens, for citizens, King College London, UK (07/12/2015)
- Nervousnet@School-Participatory and Collective Social Sensing, Gymnasium Kirchenfeld, Bern, Switzerland (13/05/2015)
- Self-management of Smart Energy Systems, CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (10/07/2013)
- Dynamic Network Reconfigurations for a Robust Smart Power Grid, TUD-TNO Workshop on Smart Grid, Delft, The Netherlands (25/01/2013)
- Demand-side Energy Management-Large-scale decentralized coordination and aggregation, TNO, Delft, The Netherlands (10/08/2012)
- Dynamic Intelligent Aggregation Services-Love and Strife in large-scale decentralized systems, TU Dresden, Germany (27/03/2012)
- Why the Smart Grid should not underestimate your refrigerator-Demand-side self-stabilization of energy consumption, TNO, Delft, The Netherlands (07/12/2011)
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