There is often a significant fragmentation in the data formats, models and tools used by academic and industrial communities when studying and optimizing techno-socio-economic systems such as transportation systems, financial markets or infrastructural networks, i.e. power, gas and water networks. This means that several communities use or develop their own data formats, models and tools that do not allow a more universal evaluation and comparison of models and mechanisms. This phenomenon results in discrepancies of findings or very customized solutions with limited applicability.
Motivated by this limiting status-quo, SFINA, the Simulation Framework for Intelligent Network Adaptations is designed. SFINA represents complex techno-socio-economic systems as temporal flow networks modeled by dynamic directed weighted graphs. In contrast to static undirected unweighted graphs that only show a snapshot of interactions, a temporal flow network encompasses both structural and functional aspects of most techno-socio-economic systems.
The core operation of SFINA is the flow analysis that computes the flow in a network given its physical characteristics in an application domain. The grant objective of SFINA is to provide development toolkits to build and evaluate generic and modular flow regulation mechanisms applicable in different flow analysis models and, even application domains.
Related Publications
- Evangelos Pournaras, Riccardo Taormina, Manish Thapa, Stefano Galelli, Venkata Palleti, Robert E. Kooij, Cascading Failures in Interconnected Power-to-Water Networks, in the proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGMETRICS International Workshop on Critical Infrastructure Network Security-CINS-2019, Phoenix, Arizona, June, 2019 © ACM
- Evangelos Pournaras, Mark Ballandies, Dinesh Acharya, Manish Thapa and Ben-Elias Brandt, Prototyping Self-managed Interdependent Networks – Self-healing Synergies against Cascading Failures, in the Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-managing Systems-SEAMS-2018, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2018 © ACM [Presentation]
- Manish Thapa, Jose Espejo-Uribe and Evangelos Pournaras, Measuring Network Reliability and Repairability against Cascading Failures, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 2017 © Springer (to appear)
- Evangelos Pournaras, Jose Espejo-Uribe, Self-repairable Smart Grids via Online Coordination of Smart Transformers, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 13, Nr. 4, pp. 1783-1793, 2017 © IEEE [Supplementary Information]
- Evangelos Pournaras, Ben-Elias Brandt, Manish Thapa, Dinesh Acharya, Jose Espejo-Uribe, Mark Ballandies, Dirk Helbing, SFINA-Simulation Framework for Intelligent Network Adaptations, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Vol. 72, pp. 34-50, 2017 © Elsevier