EPOS, the Economic Planning and Optimized Selections, is a fully decentralized networked system designed for participatory multi-objective optimization forming a public good and supporting sharing economies. It performs collective decision-making among agents that autonomously generate a set of options from which they make a choice. Each agent is a human actor, a piece of software or a hybrid system of both that locally generates in a self-determined way a set of plan that define how some resources are allocated. For example, a plan may define the energy demand of a residential appliance in a future horizon or the availability of bicycles in the bicycle stations of a city. A set of several plans per agent represents alternative options, equivalent or not for the agent. This flexibility provides a degree of freedom in the overall aggregate allocation of resources in the system that results in a combinatorial explosion of possible trajectories of system-wise solutions: different combinations of local selections can lead to different desirable or undesirable global outcomes. EPOS is capable of steering such highly complex systems of combinatorial complexity to desirable outcomes by structuring agent interactions dynamic self-organized tree topologies and performing bottom-up collective decision-making using fitness functions designed to solve particular problems. for instance, preventing blackouts in smart grids by load-shifting or load-adjustment.
Both EPOS and I-EPOS can be applied to several application domains without changes in their core functionality. EPOS is primarily designed as a decentralized combinatorial optimization mechanism. I-EPOS, the Iterative EPOS system, adds decentralized back-propagation learning capabilities that improve system performance and the discovery of more efficient collective outcomes in an evolutionary fashion. Both EPOS and I-EPOS can be applied to several application domains without changes in their core functionality. Given its decentralization, scalability, local autonomy and collective decision-making, it can promote participation, fairness and sustainability in the sharing economies and application domains of energy, transportation, voting, Smart Cities and others.
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