Plenary talk at ICCSS 2015

9 years, 10 months ago Comments Off on Plenary talk at ICCSS 2015

My paper “Socio-technical Trade-offs in Self-regulating Smart Grids” is one of the 12 papers selected for a plenary talk among 342 accepted papers in the International Conference on Computational Social Science-ICCSS 2015. Several notable keynote speakers are expected to complement to a very constructive interdisciplinary event on computational social science.

My paper provides a data-driven evidence and a socio-technical perspective towards realizing self-regulating Smart Grids. It combines findings from the following two papers:

An abstract of my paper follows:

Social-technical Trade-offs in Self-regulating Smart Grids

This paper illustrates socio-technical trade-offs in self-regulating Smart Grids. Social and technical factors such as robustness, discomfort and fairness are measured and evaluated using data from real-world operational Smart Grids projects. Results show a broad spectrum of socio-technical trade-offs required for effectively self-regulating Smart Grids. Such trade-offs can make future societies more participatory and self-sustainable.

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