PhD Thesis Defense

11 years, 10 months ago Comments Off on PhD Thesis Defense
Posted in: Academic, PhD Thesis

You are welcome to attend the public defense of my PhD thesis entitled:

Multi-level Reconfigurable Self-organization in Overlay Services

on Tuesday 26th of March at 10:00 in the Aula Congress Center, Mekelweg 5, 2628 CC, Delft, The Netherlands.

Prior to the defense, I will give a short presentation on my research at 09:30. A reception follows the defense.

Multi-level Reconfigurable Self-organization in Overlay Services

Large-scale decentralized systems organized in overlay networks are complex to manage. Such systems integrate organizational complexity in the application-level resulting in low abstraction and modularity in their services. This thesis introduces a multi-level conceptual architecture for overlay services. An overlay service is a large-scale decentralized system organized in overlay networks that provides generic application capabilities. Two overlay services introduced in this thesis provide a proof-of-concept for the higher abstraction and modularity that can be achieved with this architecture. The first overlay service builds and maintains overlay networks that are self-organized in different tree topologies according to different application criteria. The second overlay service performs a function-indepencent and routing-independent decentralized aggregation of values that are distributed in a network and continuously changing. Experimental evaluation studies the performance trade-offs imposed by this generic design. This thesis studies overlay services in the application domain of the Smart Power Grid. More specifically, overlay services are used in demand-side energy management to perform (i) load-shifting and (ii) demand-adjustment in a fully decentralized fashion. The evaluation of this approach is grounded in the current reality and practice of the Smart Power Grid.

People who may attend my defense should not feel obliged to bring gifts. However, I would appreciate if you donate money to the Greek non-profit voluntary organization “The Smile of the Child”. The main concern of “The Smile of the Child” is defending children’s rights, not just on paper but in practice as well, providing services to children on a 24-hour, 7 days a week, 365 days a year-basis, working for their physical, mental, and psychological stability. “The “Smile of the Child”” cooperates closely with state authorities (Police, the General Attorney’s Office, hospitals etc.) but also with all responsible individuals wishing to contribute to alleviating issues affecting children.

 Your contribution to “The Smile of the Child” can be done in at least two ways:


  • Paypal.
  • Bank transfer to National Bank of Greece.

More information about how to complete your donation via paypal or bank transfer can be found here.

Furthermore, it is important to inform the organization about your donation via e-mail to with the subject “Donation – E. Pournaras PhD Defense”.

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