Category : Projects

I have recently moved to Zurich in Switzerland, where I have the honor to work together with Prof. Dr. Dirk Helbing at the Chair of Sociology, in particular of Modeling and Simulation of ETH Zurich. Here I will conduct cutting-edge inter-disciplinary research. I focus on designing and building a large-scale, distributed, privacy-preserved data analytics platform […]

I have recently presented at the IEEE International Energy Conference-EnergyCon 2014 my work about measuring and controlling unfairness in Smart Grids. This work is part of the RobuSmart project. The main key findings of this paper are the following: The abstract of the paper follows: Measuring and Controlling Unfairness in Decentralized Planning of Energy […]

DIAS, the Dynamic Intelligent Aggregation Service is a decentralized mechanism for the computation of different aggregation functions in large-scale networks, e.g. SUMMATION, AVERAGE etc.. It is illustrated in Chapter 5 of my PhD thesis and is recently accepted for publication in the Springer journal of Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling. A short project description of DIAS […]

Large-scale complex decentralized systems are governed by synergies, opposing forces and trade-offs. Empedocles would describe these properties and features as the result of Love and Strife that elements of nature appear: “These (elements) never cease changing place continually, now being all united by Love into one, now each borne apart by the hatred engendered of […]

This is the question I tried to answer at the research organization of TNO. In front of a very stimulating and interactive audience, I presented part of my PhD research and specifically some of my contributions in the EPOS project. I showed some of my findings supporting that decentralized stabilization of the energy consumption with a minimum […]