Category : Academic
I had the honor to give the keynote speech “Proof of Witness Presence: Blockchain Consensus for Augmented Democracy in Smart Cities” at the 8th International Conference of eDemocracy 2019 in Athens, Greece. My keynote speech was based on my recent awarded work and can be downloaded here. In my talk, I elaborate on how well […]
I have one long paper and an artifact paper accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-managing Systems-SEAMS-2019, in Montreal, Canada on May 2019: 1. Ilias Gerostathopoulos, Evangelos Pournaras TRAPPed in Traffic? A Self-Adaptive Framework for Decentralized Traffic Optimization (Awarded badge: Artifacts Evaluated – Reusable) 2. […]
I am glad and proud to be member of the Empower Polis team that received the 1st prize at the ETH Policy Challenge. Many thanks to my team members Atif Ghulam Nabi, Mark Ballandies and Michael Noack for their incredible effort. Empower Polis envisions the re-invention of a new cyber-physical agora that allows policy-makers to […]
I give a keynote speech at the 12th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secure Transactions-ICITST-2017 at University of Cambridge in UK. The title and abstract of the talk follow: Participatory Self-management Systems for Resilient Smart Cities The pervasiveness of the Internet of Things in Smart Cities has brought paramount opportunities for improving the […]
On 02.09.2017 at 16:00 I will give a talk at Scientifica. Making sharing economies more sustainable Sharing economy platforms like Uber and Airbnb demonstrate our unprecedented ability to participate in a bottom-up exchange of everything from vehicles and tools to accommodation and energy – all via their smartphones. We discuss how people can actively encourage […]
The following two papers are accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications-AINA-2017, in Taiwan on March 2017: 1. Evangelos Pournaras, Jovan Nikolic, Alex Omerzel, Dirk Helbing Engineering Democratization in Internet of Things Data Analytics 2. Danielle Griego, Varin Buff, Eric Hayoz, Izabela Moise, Evangelos Pournaras Sensing and […]
I have recently published a new paper that envisions information sharing as a self-regulatory supply-demand system. Citizens are (data) suppliers and third parties requiring access to citizens’ data are (data) consumers. The proposed system regulates the trade-off between privacy of citizens when they share data and accuracy in analytics using citizens’ shared data. Summarization of data […]
The energy sector remains a highly under-exploited, though full of flourishing opportunities for Greece and its recovery from the crisis. I have recently presented at the Internet of Things Conference in Athens some key facts and innovations for the energy sector of Greece that require minimal, if none, state interventions. My presentation can be found […]
I have recently given an interview at the Athens News Agency, Macedonian Press Agency about digital democracy. The interview in full can be also found here. I outline some of its opportunities and implication in Greek crisis and beyond. The interview is in Greek. More about the topic in English is outlined in the article Build […]
Building an information society based on Big Data as we know can undermine sustainable development and democracy: Dirk Helbing and Evangelos Pournaras, Build Digital Democracy, Nature, Vol. 527, pp. 33-34, 2015 The Nervousnet project envisions an alternative paradigm: Data-driven techno-socio-economic systems working in a decentralized, collective and synergistic fashion. And all these by design.