A Computing Roadmap of Digital Ecosystems
A new paper I wrote has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Digital Ecosystems and Technologies-Complex Environment Engineering-DEST-CEE 2012. The title of the paper is “From Metaphor towards Paradigm – A Computing Roadmap of Digital Ecosystems”. The presentation of this paper can be found here.
This is a position/review paper that has been an invaluable experience to write. The paper discusses a roadmap of digital ecosystems from a metaphor towards a paradigm. Dr Shah Jahan Miah from Victoria University Melbourne is a coauthor of this paper.
An abstract of the paper follows:
From Metaphor towards Paradigm – A Computing Roadmap of Digital Ecosystems
Metaphors from biological ecosystems emerge in a wide range of leading computing areas and applications of digital ecosystems. The diversified use of these metaphors in different application domains of digital ecosystems varies between computing areas and shapes their interventions. This paper reviews these application interventions of various computing areas as a qualitative approach to outline a roadmap of digital ecosystems from a metaphor towards a mature scientific paradigm. This roadmap is illustrated through five propositions to current practice. The proposed roadmap envisions digital ecosystems as a collaborative coordination environment and platform for computing interventions.
Tags: digital ecosystems, metaphor, paradigm, roadmap
This entry was posted on Thursday, May 3rd, 2012 at 00:51
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