Monthly Archives: March 2013
Creating a great publishable book is a complex process that requires collaboration with different experts. I would like to give some special credits for the book of my PhD thesis to the following: First, Hani Alers and Lucy Gunawan from Hanike Studio have been so patient to convey my continuously new ideas and desires […]
You are welcome to attend the public defense of my PhD thesis entitled: Multi-level Reconfigurable Self-organization in Overlay Services on Tuesday 26th of March at 10:00 in the Aula Congress Center, Mekelweg 5, 2628 CC, Delft, The Netherlands. Prior to the defense, I will give a short presentation on my research at 09:30. A reception […]
I am currently organizing a symposium on Smart Power Grids as an after-event of my PhD defense. The objective of this symposium is to illustrate the challenges and opportunities for distributed management of Smart Energy Grids. Smart Energy Grids are socio-technical systems, for which communication and coordination are essential. Distributed computing provides the means with […]